
It’s Valentine’s Day. Dear Husband has given me the most beautiful bouquet of long stemmed roses. When we were first dating, he called his favorite florist to order roses for me, to be sent to our shop, “Three Sisters Needlecraft.” I was floored by the gift. It was the first bouquet of roses that I had ever received, and I was in my mid thirties at the time. Everyone who came into the shop walked over and dropped their heads to inhale the scent, and I’m sure the whole town (it was a small town) was talking about the beautiful roses.
When Dear Husband came to visit, he saw the roses, prominently displayed, and he looked like a thunder cloud. I didn’t have the faintest idea what had irritated him, and was really concerned. He had ordered a rainbow of colored roses, but the local florist had just dark red roses, so that’s how they had filled the order. DH drove to his favorite florist, told them what had gone wrong, and picked up another dozen roses in a rainbow of color, and returned to our shop. Now, I had TWO DOZEN ROSES!!! Be still my beating heart. It still gives me goosebumps to think about it.
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If you thought the town was talking over the first dozen roses, you should have heard the buzz when he brought the second dozen! *G*
I’ve always felt pampered by Dear Husband, in every way, but I love it when he buys me flowers. The bouquet for this Valentine’s Day is that same rainbow of color, and they’ve really brightened our winter days, and reminded me that our love has lasted 25 years.
Thank you, sweetheart!