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Music, Anyone?

I've been reading Ronni's blog, and Cop Car's Beat, and they have shared a music meme from Jeanne at Cook Sister. Ronni's answers are in the comments below Jeanne's entry.

I thought I'd toss my two cents into the mix, and then I discovered it was more difficult than it looks on the surface. My early training is in music education. I like almost all kinds of music, so it makes it horribly difficult to limit my answers. Still....I'll give it a try

1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
I think there is one.....just one. A good friend sent me a blues song he felt I needed to hear, and it's still on the computer. I'll have to see if I can find it.

If I could learn how to do it, I would download songs with the word "Lady" in the title or the body of the song, and then I might have 15-20 more songs on the computer....at least until I transfered them to a CD.

2. Last CD you bought?
I bought four of Diana Krall's CD's at the same time. Listen to "Cry Me A River" from "The Look of Love."

The newest CD was a Christmas gift: Nora Jones: "Feels Like Home."

3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Josh Groban's CD "Closer," the entire CD.

4. Five songs you often listen to or which mean a lot to you?
This is where it gets really tough. It's almost impossible for me to limit this to five. ANYTHING by Rogers and Hammerstein, or Rogers and Hart, George Gershwin, or Cole Porter. Rosemary Clooney has a songbook of Rogers and Hart that I've worn out. The music from "Out of Africa."

Festival Overture by Dmitri Shostakovich......or almost anything by him.
Celebration Overture by Paul Creston. Mannin Veen by Ralph Vaughan Williams. ANYTHING Sousa. I'm fond of Grieg and Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky, and Tower Brass, and Beethoven's works for piano.

I like Stan Getz, Paul Desmond, Gerry Mulligan, David Sanborn, most of Dave Brubeck's work. I ADORE "Standards in Silhouette" by Stan Kenton. Judy Roberts, especially "My Attorney, Bernie."

"Romanza" by Andrea Bocelli, and most of the music on the soundtrack from "What Women Want," and dozens and dozens of other things that I will regret I didn't mention, like big band, and swing, and......you get the picture.

I can work when popular music is playing, but classical music inevitably draws my attention away from what I'm doing. I get to listening to the shape of the phrase, and to the conductor's interpretation and loose track of what I'm supposed to be doing. When I have the house to myself, I crank up the Bose and fill the rooms with sound.

5. Who are you going to pass this on to and why?
Rather than send this on to specific bloggers, I'd like to invite you to enter your answers in the comments here, or post the meme on your own blog.

Comments (2)

Cop Car:

Buffy--Wouldn't it be easier for us eclectic types to list what we DON'T like? The songs that you listed in Answer 2, and all of those classics masters in Answer 4, I recognize and enjoy (although I don't know Krall or her work); but, I don't recognize the entries in Answer 3 or the non-classical masters in Answer 4. Different milieu, I guess. I gotta say that you pros have it all over those of us who merely enjoy, though. Nice answers. (Now, if we could just pipe some of your music out this way.)

Totally, Cop Car. As I tried to write about what I like, I realized it would be easier to say I DON'T LIKE Acid Rock, House Music, Hip Hop.....and that type of thing. I like some country, but not the twangy stuff. See...MUCH SHORTER LIST!

I'm sure we have music in common. *S*


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