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In Just a Few More Hours...

Isn't there a song in "My Fair Lady" that starts out that way? ...where Eliza's father is getting married and he's celebrating before he has to go to the church?

Well, in a few more hours it will be my birthday. I expect this one to pass quietly; this is not a milestone birthday. I generally don't care to go clothing shopping, but I may take some time to pick up some new clothes for this fall.
Dear Husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and beyond a few new quilting books, I didn't have any suggestions.

It's supposed to be rainy off and on tomorrow. The storm is on its way in now. I don't mind the rain, but I wish I had made better use of the good weather to get some yard work done. If the rain keeps everyone out of the stores while I shop, so much the better!

Soooooo....I'll just be off quietly celebrating over here.....

Comments (8)

...happy b'day :^)...


Happy birthday Buffy!

Well, I must have missed it on the calendar, darn. Happy Birthday Buffy. Many more.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate your kind wishes. *S*

Happy Birthday!


Thank you, Bogie!

I talked with Cop Car yesterday. They made it safely to the motelm, and we're meeting them for brunch tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your parents with me. *S* It's a great birthday present.

Buffy I am so late, but Happy belated Birthday!

Hope you had a good one


Hey, Doc, no problem! I had a great birthday, and Bogie's parents came to visit today. We had a wonderful day, so it was like stretching my birthday out over several days. Thanks for the good wishes!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 7, 2004 10:11 PM.

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