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My Little View

May Herb Garden 2004.jpg

This is the view of the herb garden on the North side of my home. I leaned out the window one day, early last May and snapped this with an instant camera.
The garden has been in place for about 15 years. The trees and shrubs to the west have been encroaching, and I cut some of them back this summer.

If you look carefully, you can see the tips of the fern fronds at the bottom right of the picture. The ferns fill the area where the back wall of the garage joins the house. The faint line from the right of the picture that runs across the bottom of the herb garden, is the path the chipmunks have worn through the grass to the bird feeder.

The front right corner of the garden has garlic chives, a chrysanthemum, regular chives (the pink blooms), oregano and winter savory. You can see day lilies in the bottom left of the garden. In the center box, a dame's rocket is in bloom with more chives, and the rest of the area is waiting for basil, rosemary and several other herbs to be planted. The arbor holds a deep purple clematis that is just beginning to leaf out.

The veggie boxes are covered with plastic. I have a weed that I couldn't kill off any other way, so I tried solar heat for the summer. We'll see how things turn out next spring.

And all the way to the back is Dear Husband's pride and joy, the Arr!! It's a 32' Bayfield cutter that is moored in Lake Michigan during the summer, and boards with us the rest of the year. Any time you can't find DH.....check the boat!

I want to thank Stu for starting the "View" meme. I have wanted to post this picture all summer and he gave me the incentive to work with my stepson to get it scanned. If you have a view from your home that you would like to share why not join us? And thanks go to Blue Witch, too, for sharing Stu's meme with us.

UPDATE: Stu's meme is called the Skyline Project.

Comments (11)

That looks truly wonderful Buffy (almost god enough to eat - *groans* sorry!!) - so nice to see a picture of a part of your garden to hang your words from at last!

When you aren't talking about preparing food, you show us pictures of future food - are you Italian by chance?

I need you to come up here and work on my yard, no a single part of it looks so neat and pretty!

I'd LOVE to come work with you. I bet it's lovely there. And, I'll have to take a picture of the garden tomorrow. It's all dry and a pale version of it's youthful self. The last three months we've had less rain than usual. I'd have to water every couple of days to keep it as fresh as it was in May. :-(

Yeah...I've noticed how much I talk about food. I don't know if I'm obsessed, or if it's because we are so aware of food now that DH is diabetic. It's definitely nothing to do with heritage. Dear Husband is Sicilian/German (read: Stubborn) and I'm German/English/Scottish/French


BW...I never thought of it quite that way. I ramble on about these things and you have to use your imagination. I don't have a digital camera. I'm still learning to use the computer. But, I have discovered that I can have instamatic pictures developed and stored on a CD, AND, I finally have a scanner. Of course, I'm way behind on the learning curve.

The herb garden is my favorite garden. I moderate an herb list on YahooGroups, and first hand experience comes in handy. Herb gardening must run in the family. When I was visiting my youngest sis last week, she stepped into her herb garden three times to add fresh herbs to meals.


About that learnng curve....I have to learn about permalinks so that Stu can add my blog to the Skyline meme. :-(

The view is beautiful ~ now I know what it looks like in May since I only saw it in January *smile* ~ bbrrrrrrrrr


yes...in January it can be covered with three or four feet of snow, and you'd never know it was there! I hope that you and the family will visit us when it's warm, and you don't need Nanook of the North clothing. Chicago is a great place for festivals and music and bar hopping! *G*

That is a lovely garden... thanks for sharing this view from your home! I haven't any shots to share now, but you've likely seen bits and pieces of my home and yard over time. I'm looking forward to sharing the next one!


I've always envied your ability to post pictures, Desi. I'm just getting the hang of our new scanner and editing program now, so I hope to post more. I've enjoyed the "views" into your life! I hope there are more.

Thanks for joining my meme, Buffy, I'll link to the photo tomorrow morning in my blog.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 29, 2004 2:15 PM.

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