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Aliens Among Us

I was reading Dear Abby today, and a young woman wrote in to say that she was in love, and she and her boyfriend were thinking about marrying, but there was one little problem. Her fiance claimed to be from another planet. This HAD to be a made up letter. What woman in her right mind would continue a relationship with someone who claimed to be an alien??

She treated it as a joke until he began announcing his heritage to her family and friends. Even then, she was still considering marrying him! She said "I know he was born in Chicago." (As if that makes him normal in any way...)

If this is what their relationship was like at the start, think of where it's going to go. She'll be forced to accept every little change that comes along. He'll say that it's a requirement on his planet. This is just another guy who wants to have his own way, and has found a novel way to get it.

I'd put up with a lot of quirks, but I think I'd pass on this one. Now, I'll find out that Fred is an alien...and all along I've been making excuses for him. It would explain his fixation with the Marx Brothers. *G*

Comments (6)

Let me guess. The guy's name was Mork?

...heck, marrying an alien is a *good* idea...I mean you might have more in common with them than you do with someone from the opposite sex :^)...is this where someone mentions "men are from mars, women from venus" :^)...[there is a good chance that the previous commenter has already said this but I can't read what has been said - so if I'm repeating what has been said, ignore it...I *am* an alien :^)]..


Of course the way for the woman to handle this is to play his own game and to "remind" the Alien that women are head of households and make all the main decisions on his home planet and that, therefore, she expects the same level of consideration from him here on Earth... I bet that his feet will soon end up firmly on the ground.

P.S. Hello Buffy, nice to "speak" to you again. Did you get my notes?

billy, I wondered that about you from the git go! lol

ADELE!!! I'm delighted to see you. I've sent an e-mail. Let me know here if you don't get it. I like the way you think; you can advise ME any time! lol

That boy needs a little psychiatry, or less drugs! Time for that gal to start dating again.

Des...can you believe she hadn't figured that out on her own?? In all fairness, I thought my ex and I would compromise, but this woman is expecting more than she'll ever get. I like Adele's approach, don't you?


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